Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Home for Christmas

Hope all of you made many wonderful memories this Christmas with family and friends remembering the real reason for the season! I love this time of year...the wood stove crackling with fire, the spirit in the air, the decor although I didn't do any this year, gifts, giving, Christmas carols and so much more! And we were home for it this year! The day before Christmas was spent with Lee's side of the family and the day after with my family...some great settlers games were played and singing, exchanging gifts, and fellowship and did I mention FOOD! We live in a Blessed part of the world...oh to not take it for granted! Also we hosted a great friend from TX for a week in Dec...the kids adore this man! Lee took off work for the week and we hung out shopping, eating out, and just making memories. The guys made a day trip to Pittsburg one day. They iceskated in an outdoor rink which the boys thoroughly enjoyed! Leo Blessed the socks off our feet by his fellowship and his gift of giving! Leonard, you will surely be Blessed!!! We missed his sweet wife and kids which weren't able to make the trip this year.

Lee had a birthday in Dec which way too often gets neglected or forgotten since it's five days before Christmas so that day I lined up a sitter "thanks to awesome neighbors" and called him n suggested going out! Oh my it was like he was thinking the same thing...he replied, "I'll be home early tonite!" Olive Gardens it was. We would like to date more often then we do but it just doesn't always happen.

We moved away from GI's house to our home about 4 weeks ago and we are currently still living in our basement. We installed two 4x4 windows in the south side a few weeks ago which really helps brighten things up down here...the guy who was living here in the basement moved out just before we moved in and the people upstairs offered to move the meantime they found a place to move to, which should be available Jan or Feb. So we decided it would be better for us to move downstairs rather then them needing to move all their stuff down just before the busyness of the holidays for only a few months. They are wonderful to have around and we're one big happy family! We are so very thankful for the way they took care of our property while we were in TX. One day the hot water heater busted and water squirted out from the top of it in large amounts and the wife happened to be home that day and if she wouldn't have been I don't even wanna think what could have happened...likely the whole basement would have flooded. The office and some outside of it was already flooded just the short time it took her to turn off the water. Another time one of the pipes above the kitchen (also downstairs) had a leak and she taped it. One of the cabinets inside did get moldy from that and some drywall and 2 of the carpets we had to throw out. It is partially finished down here. A bedroom, bath, kitchen, and office...and drywall on most of the other walls but no spackling or paint yet...all of which hubby did before going to TX. He really did do a wonderful job, did all the plumbing for kitchen n bath, electricity, drywall, well everything except the spackling for the bed n bath. Just too much dust to continue the project while we're still down here.

Come visit us anytime...we haven't seen many of yall yet since we're back!

We wish everyone of you a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!!

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